For All its Imperfections

The house is still very unfinished 8½ years in, but it’s also gotten to be incredibly cozy during the cold months. It’s only ever gotten better over the years, while we slowly forgot what a regular house is like. I know we crave wood heat when we go somewhere it’s not used. We just bought a new stove, a real fancy clean burning one and I’m very much looking forward to using it although it’ll be likely at the end of Winter that we finally get it. To get a clean air tax incentive we were asked for a propane bill or electric bill, they’ll have to do without, things are too perfect where they are. It is putting it mildly to say that we were shaped by our living arrangements, in many ways I feel like the transformation we sought years ago is complete.

Winter Has Arrived

Not before the first few frosts.

Not before rocks were skipped on the first pond ice.

Not before walks in the woods.

And not before wood piles took over the porch.

We say goodbye to color until next spring.

Stable Diffusion

I’ve played with Stable Diffusion a few months back, but the learning curve is steep, and easy access to DallE & MidJourney made it not worth it to press on. Until… I got excited about a super cool extension:

I just love the idea of having the same image have one analog meaning to a human and discrete meaning to a machine. And the same extension can be used for general masking other than just QR codes.

Without further ado, here’s the eye candy:

A benign QR code

General masking for an almost subliminal effect

There’s much to be refined in my incantation, but I really like how the mask isn’t just overlayed on top of a drawing in a subtle way, rather it’s the basis for growth of AI hallucinations.