a
a
abandon
abandon
abase
abase
abasements
abasements
abasest
abasest
abate
abate
abide
abide
abject
abject
able
able
ablution
ablution
abode
abode
abominable
abominable
about
about
above
above
abroad
abroad
abrogate
abrogate
absence
absence
absent
absent
absolute
absolute
abstain
abstain
abu
abu
abundant
abundant
abuse
abuse
abyss
abyss
accept
accept
acceptor
acceptor
access
access
accomplish
accomplish
accord
accord
account
account
accuracy
accuracy
accusation
accusation
accuse
accuse
achieve
achieve
acknowledge
acknowledge
acquire
acquire
act
act
acts
acts
ad
ad
adam
adam
add
add
added
added
addition
addition
address
address
adhere
adhere
adherent
adherent
adjustably
adjustably
admiration
admiration
admit
admit
admixture
admixture
admlration
admlration
admonish
admonish
admonishers
admonishers
admonition
admonition
adopt
adopt
adore
adore
advance
advance
advantage
advantage
advice
advice
advise
advise
advocate
advocate
afar
afar
affair
affair
affect
affect
affectionate
affectionate
affirm
affirm
afflict
afflict
afford
afford
aforetime
aforetime
afraid
afraid
again
again
against
against
age
age
aggression
aggression
agree
agree
agreeable
agreeable
agreed
agreed
ah
ah
ahead
ahead
aher
aher
ahmad
ahmad
aid
aid
ail
ail
aim
aim
ain
ain
al
al
alien
alien
alif
alif
alight
alight
alike
alike
alive
alive
all
all
allah
allah
allahs
allahs
alliance
alliance
allied
allied
allow
allow
almost
almost
almsgiving
almsgiving
aloft
aloft
alone
alone
along
along
aloof
aloof
aloud
aloud
already
already
also
also
alter
alter
alteration
alteration
although
although
altogether
altogether
always
always
am
am
amass
amass
amassings
amassings
ambush
ambush
amend
amend
amid
amid
among
among
amongst
amongst
ample
ample
amplegiving
amplegiving
amplify
amplify
an
an
ancient
ancient
and
and
angel
angel
anger
anger
angry
angry
animal
animal
announce
announce
another
another
ansars
ansars
answer
answer
anxiety
anxiety
anxious
anxious
any
any
anyone
anyone
anything
anything
aorta
aorta
apart
apart
apostle
apostle
apparatus
apparatus
apparel
apparel
apparent
apparent
appear
appear
appearance
appearance
apply
apply
appoint
appoint
apprise
apprise
approach
approach
appropriate
appropriate
ar
ar
arabic
arabic
arafat
arafat
aram
aram
arc
arc
archdeceiver
archdeceiver
are
are
argument
argument
arise
arise
ark
ark
arm
arm
army
army
around
around
arrogant
arrogant
arsh
arsh
art
art
article
article
as
as
ascend
ascend
ascendant
ascendant
ascent
ascent
ascribe
ascribe
ashamed
ashamed
aside
aside
ask
ask
asleep
asleep
aspire
aspire
asr
asr
ass
ass
assemblage
assemblage
assemble
assemble
assent
assent
assert
assert
assign
assign
assist
assist
asslst
asslst
associate
associate
astray
astray
asunder
asunder
at
at
ate
ate
atom
atom
attach
attach
attack
attack
attain
attain
attempt
attempt
attend
attend
attribute
attribute
audacious
audacious
augur
augur
avail
avail
avarice
avarice
averse
averse
aversion
aversion
avert
avert
avoid
avoid
avoidance
avoidance
avow
avow
await
await
awake
awake
aware
aware
away
away
awe
awe
awful
awful
aye
aye
ayub
ayub
ayyub
ayyub
azar
azar
babel
babel
back
back
bad
bad
bade
bade
badr
badr
bag
bag
bahirah
bahirah
bal
bal
balance
balance
banana
banana
band
band
bank
bank
baptising
baptising
baptism
baptism
barbarous
barbarous
bare
bare
bargain
bargain
barren
barren
barrier
barrier
barter
barter
base
base
basis
basis
bath
bath
battle
battle
be
be
beam
beam
bear
bear
beard
beard
beat
beat
beaten
beaten
beautiful
beautiful
beauty
beauty
became
became
because
because
become
become
bed
bed
bee
bee
been
been
befall
befall
befallen
befallen
befell
befell
befit
befit
before
before
beforehand
beforehand
beg
beg
began
began
beget
beget
beggar
beggar
begging
begging
begin
begin
beginning
beginning
begotten
begotten
beguile
beguile
behalf
behalf
behave
behave
behind
behind
behold
behold
being
being
bekka
bekka
belief
belief
believe
believe
beljeve
beljeve
belly
belly
belong
belong
below
below
belying
belying
beneath
beneath
beneficent
beneficent
benefit
benefit
benevolent
benevolent
benign
benign
bequest
bequest
beseech
beseech
beset
beset
beside
beside
besiege
besiege
best
best
bestow
bestow
bestower
bestower
between
between
betwixt
betwixt
beverage
beverage
beware
beware
beyond
beyond
bid
bid
bidden
bidden
big
big
bind
bind
bird
bird
birth
birth
bite
bite
black
black
blame
blame
blast
blast
blemish
blemish
bless
bless
blew
blew
blind
blind
bliss
bliss
blood
blood
bloodwit
bloodwit
blot
blot
blow
blow
blown
blown
blue
blue
boastful
boastful
boat
boat
body
body
boil
boil
bold
bold
book
book
boon
boon
bore
bore
born
born
borne
borne
bosom
bosom
both
both
bottom
bottom
bought
bought
bound
bound
bounty
bounty
bow
bow
bowl
bowl
boy
boy
branch
branch
brand
brand
brass
brass
breach
breach
bread
bread
break
break
breast
breast
breathe
breathe
bred
bred
breeze
breeze
brethren
brethren
brick
brick
brief
brief
bright
bright
brilliant
brilliant
bring
bring
bringest
bringest
brink
brink
brocade
brocade
broke
broke
broken
broken
brother
brother
brought
brought
bucket
bucket
build
build
built
built
burden
burden
buried
buried
burn
burn
burst
burst
bury
bury
bush
bush
business
business
busy
busy
but
but
buy
buy
by
by
ca
ca
calamity
calamity
calculate
calculate
calf
calf
call
call
caller
caller
calm
calm
calumny
calumny
came
came
camel
camel
can
can
cannot
cannot
canopy
canopy
capacity
capacity
capital
capital
captive
captive
caravan
caravan
care
care
careful
careful
carry
carry
case
case
cast
cast
catch
catch
cattle
cattle
caught
caught
cause
cause
cautious
cautious
cave
cave
cease
cease
celebrate
celebrate
celestial
celestial
censure
censure
central
central
certain
certain
certainty
certainty
cessation
cessation
chain
chain
chamber
chamber
chambers
chambers
chance
chance
change
change
chapter
chapter
charge
charge
charitable
charitable
charity
charity
charm
charm
chaste
chaste
chastise
chastise
chastity
chastity
chest
chest
chide
chide
chief
chief
child
child
childbirth
childbirth
children
children
choice
choice
choose
choose
chose
chose
chosen
chosen
christian
christian
circuit
circuit
circulate
circulate
citizen
citizen
city
city
clad
clad
claim
claim
class
class
clay
clay
clean
clean
cleanse
cleanse
clear
clear
cleave
cleave
cleft
cleft
cling
cling
close
close
clot
clot
clothe
clothe
cloud
cloud
cloven
cloven
clung
clung
co
co
coal
coal
cognizant
cognizant
coin
coin
cold
cold
collect
collect
combine
combine
come
come
comfort
comfort
command
command
commend
commend
commit
commit
committed
committed
committing
committing
commotion
commotion
communion
communion
compact
compact
companion
companion
company
company
compare
compare
compassion
compassion
compassionate
compassionate
compel
compel
compelled
compelled
complain
complain
complete
complete
completion
completion
compliant
compliant
comply
comply
comprehend
comprehend
comprehensive
comprehensive
compulsion
compulsion
computation
computation
compute
compute
comrade
comrade
conceal
conceal
concern
concern
conclusive
conclusive
concord
concord
condiment
condiment
condition
condition
conduct
conduct
confer
confer
conferred
conferred
conferring
conferring
confess
confess
confine
confine
confirm
confirm
confirmation
confirmation
conflict
conflict
conform
conform
confound
confound
confusion
confusion
conjecture
conjecture
consent
consent
consider
consider
consort
consort
conspicuous
conspicuous
constant
constant
constitution
constitution
constrain
constrain
consult
consult
consultation
consultation
consume
consume
consummate
consummate
contact
contact
contain
contain
contempt
contempt
contemptible
contemptible
contend
contend
content
content
contention
contention
contentious
contentious
continue
continue
control
control
convenant
convenant
convey
convey
convulse
convulse
cool
cool
corn
corn
cornfields
cornfields
corruption
corruption
could
could
council
council
counsel
counsel
count
count
country
country
courage
courage
course
course
court
court
covenant
covenant
cover
cover
covet
covet
cow
cow
cowardice
cowardice
cradle
cradle
crave
crave
create
create
creating
creating
creature
creature
credit
credit
cried
cried
crime
crime
crow
crow
crucify
crucify
crumble
crumble
crush
crush
cry
cry
cup
cup
curse
curse
curtain
curtain
custodian
custodian
custom
custom
cut
cut
damage
damage
danger
danger
dark
dark
darken
darken
date
date
daughter
daughter
dawn
dawn
dawood
dawood
dawoods
dawoods
day
day
daybreak
daybreak
dead
dead
deaf
deaf
deal
deal
dealt
dealt
death
death
debt
debt
debtor
debtor
deceit
deceit
deceive
deceive
deception
deception
decide
decide
decision
decision
decisive
decisive
declaration
declaration
declare
declare
decline
decline
decree
decree
deed
deed
deem
deem
deep
deep
defend
defend
deficient
deficient
defraud
defraud
degree
degree
delay
delay
deliberate
deliberate
delicious
delicious
delight
delight
deliver
deliver
deliverance
deliverance
delivery
delivery
deluge
deluge
demand
demand
demolish
demolish
denial
denial
dense
dense
deny
deny
depart
depart
depend
depend
depository
depository
deprive
deprive
descend
descend
descent
descent
describe
describe
description
description
desert
desert
deserve
deserve
desire
desire
desist
desist
despair
despair
destroy
destroy
detain
detain
determine
determine
detriment
detriment
deviate
deviate
device
device
devise
devise
devote
devote
devotion
devotion
devour
devour
dictate
dictate
did
did
die
die
died
died
differ
differ
different
different
difficult
difficult
difficulty
difficulty
digging
digging
dignity
dignity
diminish
diminish
diminution
diminution
direct
direct
disdain
disdain
disperse
disperse
disputant
disputant
dispute
dispute
dissension
dissension
distant
distant
distinct
distinct
distinguish
distinguish
distort
distort
diverse
diverse
diversion
diversion
divert
divert
divide
divide
divine
divine
division
division
divorce
divorce
do
do
dog
dog
dominion
dominion
done
done
doom
doom
door
door
double
double
doubt
doubt
down
down
downcast
downcast
drag
drag
dragging
dragging
drank
drank
draw
draw
drawn
drawn
dread
dread
dream
dream
dress
dress
drew
drew
dried
dried
drink
drink
drive
drive
driven
driven
drop
drop
drove
drove
drown
drown
dry
dry
dubious
dubious
due
due
dug
dug
dull
dull
dumb
dumb
duration
duration
during
during
dust
dust
dutiful
dutiful
duty
duty
dwell
dwell
dwelt
dwelt
e
e
each
each
ear
ear
earn
earn
earnest
earnest
earth
earth
earthen
earthen
earthquake
earthquake
ease
ease
east
east
eastern
eastern
easy
easy
eat
eat
eaten
eaten
eater
eater
edge
edge
edifice
edifice
effect
effect
effectual
effectual
egypt
egypt
egyptian
egyptian
eight
eight
eighth
eighth
eighty
eighty
either
either
eldest
eldest
elect
elect
elephant
elephant
eleven
eleven
eloquent
eloquent
else
else
embark
embark
embracest
embracest
emissary
emissary
employ
employ
empty
empty
end
end
endure
endure
endurer
endurer
enemy
enemy
energetic
energetic
engage
engage
enmity
enmity
enough
enough
enter
enter
entertain
entertain
entire
entire
entry
entry
envious
envious
envy
envy
equal
equal
equitable
equitable
equity
equity
equivalent
equivalent
erect
erect
err
err
error
error
escape
escape
essence
essence
establish
establish
esteem
esteem
eve
eve
even
even
event
event
eventual
eventual
everliving
everliving
every
every
everyone
everyone
everything
everything
evident
evident
evil
evil
ewe
ewe
ex
ex
exalt
exalt
exaltation
exaltation
exaltest
exaltest
examine
examine
example
example
exceed
exceed
excel
excel
excellent
excellent
except
except
exception
exception
excessive
excessive
exchange
exchange
excite
excite
exclusion
exclusion
exclusive
exclusive
excuse
excuse
exemplar
exemplar
exemplary
exemplary
exemption
exemption
exert
exert
exhort
exhort
exhortation
exhortation
exile
exile
expand
expand
expanse
expanse
expect
expect
expectation
expectation
expel
expel
expelled
expelled
explain
explain
explanation
explanation
exposition
exposition
expression
expression
expulsion
expulsion
extend
extend
extensive
extensive
extent
extent
extol
extol
extract
extract
extravagant
extravagant
extreme
extreme
exult
exult
exultant
exultant
exultation
exultation
eye
eye
eyed
eyed
f
f
fabricate
fabricate
face
face
facilitate
facilitate
fail
fail
failure
failure
fain
fain
faint
faint
faintings
faintings
fair
fair
fairseeming
fairseeming
faith
faith
faithful
faithful
fall
fall
fallen
fallen
false
false
falsehood
falsehood
family
family
far
far
farther
farther
farthest
farthest
fast
fast
fasters
fasters
fat
fat
fate
fate
fateful
fateful
father
father
fatigue
fatigue
fatten
fatten
fault
fault
fear
fear
fearful
fearful
feat
feat
fed
fed
feed
feed
feel
feel
feet
feet
fell
fell
fellow
fellow
felt
felt
female
female
festival
festival
few
few
field
field
fierce
fierce
fifth
fifth
fifty
fifty
fig
fig
fight
fight
fill
fill
filled
filled
final
final
find
find
fine
fine
finery
finery
fingertip
fingertip
fire
fire
firewood
firewood
firm
firm
firon
firon
firons
firons
first
first
fish
fish
fist
fist
fit
fit
five
five
flame
flame
flash
flash
fled
fled
flee
flee
fleeing
fleeing
flesh
flesh
flight
flight
float
float
flog
flog
flow
flow
fly
fly
foam
foam
fold
fold
foliage
foliage
follow
follow
folly
folly
food
food
fool
fool
foolish
foolish
foot
foot
for
for
forbade
forbade
forbear
forbear
forbearance
forbearance
forbid
forbid
forbidden
forbidden
force
force
forcible
forcible
foreign
foreign
forever
forever
forge
forge
forgery
forgery
forget
forget
forgetful
forgetful
forgive
forgive
forgiven
forgiven
forgot
forgot
forgotten
forgotten
form
form
fornicatress
fornicatress
forsake
forsake
forsaken
forsaken
forsook
forsook
forth
forth
forthwith
forthwith
fortify
fortify
fortune
fortune
forty
forty
forward
forward
foster
foster
fought
fought
found
found
foundation
foundation
fountain
fountain
four
four
fourth
fourth
fowl
fowl
frail
frail
free
free
freedom
freedom
freeing
freeing
frequent
frequent
fresh
fresh
friday
friday
friend
friend
fright
fright
frighten
frighten
frivolous
frivolous
fro
fro
frog
frog
from
from
front
front
frontier
frontier
fruit
fruit
fter
fter
fuel
fuel
fulfill
fulfill
full
full
fully
fully
fur
fur
furious
furious
furnace
furnace
furqan
furqan
further
further
fury
fury
future
future
gaiety
gaiety
gain
gain
gale
gale
game
game
garden
garden
garlic
garlic
gate
gate
gates
gates
gateway
gateway
gather
gather
gave
gave
gaze
gaze
genera
genera
generous
generous
gentle
gentle
germ
germ
germinate
germinate
get
get
ghaib
ghaib
gibreel
gibreel
gift
gift
ginger
ginger
give
give
given
given
givest
givest
glad
glad
glance
glance
glass
glass
glide
glide
gloomy
gloomy
glorify
glorify
glorious
glorious
glory
glory
gnat
gnat
go
go
goal
goal
god
god
goes
goes
gog
gog
gold
gold
golden
golden
gone
gone
good
good
goodwill
goodwill
got
got
gourdplant
gourdplant
grace
grace
gracious
gracious
gradual
gradual
grain
grain
grand
grand
grandchildren
grandchildren
grant
grant
grape
grape
grateful
grateful
grave
grave
graves
graves
great
great
greater
greater
green
green
greet
greet
grey
grey
grief
grief
grieve
grieve
grievous
grievous
grip
grip
ground
ground
group
group
grove
grove
grow
grow
grown
grown
growth
growth
guard
guard
guardian
guardian
guidance
guidance
guide
guide
guidest
guidest
guiding
guiding
guile
guile
guilt
guilt
guilty
guilty
gulf
gulf
gush
gush
h
h
ha
ha
had
had
hail
hail
hair
hair
half
half
haman
haman
hami
hami
hand
hand
handful
handful
handiwork
handiwork
handle
handle
hang
hang
hanif
hanif
happen
happen
happy
happy
hard
hard
harden
harden
harm
harm
harmony
harmony
haroun
haroun
harut
harut
hast
hast
haste
haste
hasten
hasten
hasty
hasty
hate
hate
hateful
hateful
hatred
hatred
haughty
haughty
have
have
havoc
havoc
haw
haw
he
he
head
head
headache
headache
heal
heal
health
health
heap
heap
hear
hear
heard
heard
hearken
hearken
heart
heart
heat
heat
heaven
heaven
heavy
heavy
height
height
heir
heir
held
held
hell
hell
help
help
her
her
herald
herald
here
here
hereafter
hereafter
heritage
heritage
herself
herself
hew
hew
hid
hid
hidden
hidden
hide
hide
hideous
hideous
high
high
highest
highest
highway
highway
him
him
himself
himself
his
his
hither
hither
hoard
hoard
hold
hold
hole
hole
hollow
hollow
home
home
honest
honest
honey
honey
honourable
honourable
hoopoe
hoopoe
hope
hope
horizon
horizon
horn
horn
horrible
horrible
horse
horse
horseback
horseback
host
host
hostile
hostile
hot
hot
hour
hour
house
house
household
household
how
how
hud
hud
huge
huge
humble
humble
humility
humility
hunain
hunain
hundred
hundred
hungry
hungry
hunt
hunt
hurt
hurt
husband
husband
husbandmen
husbandmen
hypocrisy
hypocrisy
hypocritical
hypocritical
i
i
iblis
iblis
ibrahim
ibrahim
ibrahims
ibrahims
idea
idea
idle
idle
idolatress
idolatress
idolatresses
idolatresses
idris
idris
if
if
ignoble
ignoble
ignominious
ignominious
ignorant
ignorant
iliyin
iliyin
ill
ill
ilyas
ilyas
imbibe
imbibe
imitate
imitate
immoderate
immoderate
immoral
immoral
immortal
immortal
impatient
impatient
impose
impose
imprison
imprison
improve
improve
impure
impure
imputation
imputation
imran
imran
in
in
incite
incite
inclination
inclination
incline
incline
include
include
incomplete
incomplete
incongruity
incongruity
increase
increase
incumbent
incumbent
ind
ind
indecent
indecent
indeed
indeed
ineffective
ineffective
ineffectual
ineffectual
infant
infant
inferior
inferior
infirm
infirm
inflict
inflict
inform
inform
information
information
ingratitude
ingratitude
inherit
inherit
inheritance
inheritance
iniquitous
iniquitous
iniquity
iniquity
injeel
injeel
injure
injure
injury
injury
injust
injust
injustice
injustice
ink
ink
inner
inner
innocent
innocent
inordinacy
inordinacy
inordinate
inordinate
inperfection
inperfection
inquire
inquire
insane
insane
inscription
inscription
inside
inside
insight
insight
insolent
insolent
inspiration
inspiration
instance
instance
instead
instead
intellect
intellect
intend
intend
intense
intense
intent
intent
interfere
interfere
interference
interference
interpret
interpret
interpretation
interpretation
intimate
intimate
into
into
inviolable
inviolable
invite
invite
invoke
invoke
iron
iron
irrigate
irrigate
is
is
isa
isa
ishaq
ishaq
islam
islam
ismail
ismail
israel
israel
issue
issue
it
it
itself
itself
j
j
jalut
jalut
jealous
jealous
jest
jest
jew
jew
jibreel
jibreel
join
join
joke
joke
jot
jot
journey
journey
joy
joy
joyful
joyful
joyous
joyous
judge
judge
judgest
judgest
judi
judi
junction
junction
just
just
justice
justice
kaaba
kaaba
kaf
kaf
kausar
kausar
keep
keep
keepest
keepest
kept
kept
keys
keys
kill
kill
kin
kin
kind
kind
kindle
kindle
kindred
kindred
king
king
kingdom
kingdom
knew
knew
knife
knife
knot
knot
know
know
knowest
knowest
knowledge
knowledge
known
known
kt
kt
l
l
lack
lack
laden
laden
lahab
lahab
laid
laid
lam
lam
lame
lame
lament
lament
lamp
lamp
land
land
language
language
languid
languid
large
large
last
last
lat
lat
later
later
latter
latter
laud
laud
laugh
laugh
law
law
lawful
lawful
lay
lay
lead
lead
leaf
leaf
lean
lean
least
least
leave
leave
led
led
left
left
length
length
lengthen
lengthen
lengthy
lengthy
less
less
lessen
lessen
lesson
lesson
lest
lest
let
let
level
level
levity
levity
li
li
liar
liar
liberal
liberal
lice
lice
lie
lie
lied
lied
life
life
lifegerm
lifegerm
lifes
lifes
lifetime
lifetime
lift
lift
light
light
lighten
lighten
lightning
lightning
like
like
liken
liken
likewise
likewise
limit
limit
lion
lion
listen
listen
lit
lit
little
little
live
live
lo
lo
load
load
lodge
lodge
lofty
lofty
long
long
look
look
loose
loose
lord
lord
lose
lose
loss
loss
lost
lost
lot
lot
lote
lote
loud
loud
love
love
low
low
lower
lower
luck
luck
luggage
luggage
lump
lump
luqman
luqman
lust
lust
lut
lut
luts
luts
luxuriant
luxuriant
lying
lying
m
m
mad
mad
made
made
madman
madman
madyan
madyan
magians
magians
magic
magic
magician
magician
magnify
magnify
magog
magog
maid
maid
mail
mail
main
main
maintain
maintain
maintenance
maintenance
majesty
majesty
make
make
makest
makest
male
male
malice
malice
malik
malik
man
man
manat
manat
manifest
manifest
manifestation
manifestation
manifold
manifold
mankind
mankind
manna
manna
mans
mans
manslaughter
manslaughter
many
many
march
march
marium
marium
mark
mark
marks
marks
marriage
marriage
married
married
marry
marry
marut
marut
marwa
marwa
masjid
masjid
masjids
masjids
mastery
mastery
mate
mate
maternal
maternal
may
may
maybe
maybe
me
me
meal
meal
mean
mean
meant
meant
meanwhile
meanwhile
measure
measure
mecca
mecca
medina
medina
meditate
meditate
medium
medium
meekaeel
meekaeel
meet
meet
melt
melt
men
men
ment
ment
mention
mention
merchandise
merchandise
merciful
merciful
mercy
mercy
mere
mere
message
message
messenger
messenger
messiah
messiah
met
met
metropolis
metropolis
mhent
mhent
midday
midday
middle
middle
midst
midst
might
might
mightest
mightest
mighty
mighty
milk
milk
mim
mim
mind
mind
mindful
mindful
mine
mine
minute
minute
miracle
miracle
mirage
mirage
mischiefmakers
mischiefmakers
mischievous
mischievous
miss
miss
mission
mission
mix
mix
mixture
mixture
mock
mock
mockery
mockery
mode
mode
moderate
moderate
molest
molest
molten
molten
moment
moment
momentous
momentous
money
money
month
month
monument
monument
moon
moon
more
more
morn
morn
morrow
morrow
mortal
mortal
mosque
mosque
most
most
mother
mother
motion
motion
mound
mound
mount
mount
mountain
mountain
mouth
mouth
move
move
mstance
mstance
much
much
mud
mud
muhajirs
muhajirs
muhammad
muhammad
multiplication
multiplication
multiply
multiply
multitude
multitude
musa
musa
musas
musas
musk
musk
muslim
muslim
must
must
mustard
mustard
mutual
mutual
my
my
myself
myself
n
n
naked
naked
name
name
naml
naml
namlite
namlite
namrud
namrud
narrate
narrate
narrow
narrow
nasr
nasr
nat
nat
nation
nation
nature
nature
nay
nay
near
near
nearest
nearest
necessary
necessary
necessity
necessity
neck
neck
need
need
needful
needful
needle
needle
needy
needy
neglect
neglect
negligent
negligent
neither
neither
never
never
new
new
next
next
niche
niche
niggardly
niggardly
nigh
nigh
night
night
nightfall
nightfall
nighttime
nighttime
nine
nine
nineteen
nineteen
ninety
ninety
no
no
noble
noble
noise
noise
nominate
nominate
none
none
noon
noon
nor
nor
nose
nose
not
not
nothing
nothing
notwithstanding
notwithstanding
now
now
nowhere
nowhere
nuh
nuh
nuhs
nuhs
null
null
numerous
numerous
nurse
nurse
o
o
oath
oath
obedient
obedient
obey
obey
object
object
obligatory
obligatory
obscure
obscure
observe
observe
obstacle
obstacle
obtain
obtain
obvious
obvious
occupation
occupation
occupy
occupy
occurred
occurred
odd
odd
of
of
off
off
offer
offer
offspring
offspring
oft
oft
often
often
oh
oh
ohud
ohud
oil
oil
old
old
olive
olive
omit
omit
on
on
once
once
one
one
oneself
oneself
only
only
open
open
opinion
opinion
oppose
oppose
opposite
opposite
opposition
opposition
oppress
oppress
oppression
oppression
or
or
ordain
ordain
order
order
ordinance
ordinance
original
original
ornament
ornament
orphan
orphan
other
other
otherwise
otherwise
ought
ought
our
our
ourselves
ourselves
out
out
outnowed
outnowed
outstepping
outstepping
over
over
owing
owing
own
own
oxen
oxen
paid
paid
pain
pain
painful
painful
pair
pair
palace
palace
palm
palm
palmtree
palmtree
paper
paper
paradise
paradise
pardon
pardon
parsimonious
parsimonious
part
part
particular
particular
partisan
partisan
partner
partner
party
party
pass
pass
past
past
pasture
pasture
paternal
paternal
path
path
patient
patient
patron
patron
pay
pay
peace
peace
peal
peal
pen
pen
penance
penance
penitent
penitent
people
people
perceive
perceive
perchance
perchance
perdition
perdition
perfect
perfect
perfidious
perfidious
perform
perform
performance
performance
perhaps
perhaps
period
period
perish
perish
permission
permission
permitted
permitted
perpetual
perpetual
perpetuity
perpetuity
persecute
persecute
persecution
persecution
persist
persist
person
person
petition
petition
physique
physique
pick
pick
piece
piece
piety
piety
pile
pile
pilgrimage
pilgrimage
pit
pit
pitch
pitch
pity
pity
place
place
plague
plague
plain
plain
plan
plan
plant
plant
play
play
plea
plea
plead
plead
pleasant
pleasant
please
please
pleasest
pleasest
pleasure
pleasure
pledge
pledge
plentiful
plentiful
plenty
plenty
pliant
pliant
plight
plight
plot
plot
poet
poet
poetry
poetry
point
point
ponder
ponder
poor
poor
position
position
possess
possess
possession
possession
possessor
possessor
possible
possible
posterity
posterity
postpone
postpone
pour
pour
poverty
poverty
power
power
powerful
powerful
praise
praise
praiseworthy
praiseworthy
pray
pray
prayer
prayer
precaution
precaution
precede
precede
precedent
precedent
prefer
prefer
preference
preference
preferred
preferred
pregnant
pregnant
prepare
prepare
preponderant
preponderant
prescribe
prescribe
presence
presence
present
present
preservation
preservation
preserve
preserve
press
press
presume
presume
prevail
prevail
prevent
prevent
prevention
prevention
previous
previous
prey
prey
price
price
pride
pride
prison
prison
privacy
privacy
private
private
privy
privy
proceed
proceed
processor
processor
proclaim
proclaim
produce
produce
proffer
proffer
profit
profit
progeny
progeny
prohibit
prohibit
prohibition
prohibition
prolong
prolong
promise
promise
prone
prone
pronounce
pronounce
proof
proof
proper
proper
property
property
prophecy
prophecy
prophet
prophet
prophethood
prophethood
proportion
proportion
proposal
proposal
proposition
proposition
prosecution
prosecution
prosper
prosper
prostitution
prostitution
prostrate
prostrate
protect
protect
protector
protector
proud
proud
prove
prove
provide
provide
provision
provision
prowess
prowess
puberty
puberty
public
public
puffed
puffed
pull
pull
punish
punish
pure
pure
purge
purge
purify
purify
purpose
purpose
pursue
pursue
pursuit
pursuit
put
put
qaf
qaf
qaroun
qaroun
qiblah
qiblah
quaff
quaff
quake
quake
quality
quality
quarrel
quarrel
question
question
quick
quick
quit
quit
quite
quite
quran
quran
qureaish
qureaish
ra
ra
race
race
rage
rage
rain
rain
raina
raina
raingiving
raingiving
raise
raise
ramazan
ramazan
ran
ran
rank
rank
ransom
ransom
rass
rass
rate
rate
rather
rather
re
re
reach
reach
read
read
ready
ready
real
real
reap
reap
rear
rear
reason
reason
rebelled
rebelled
rebellion
rebellion
rebellious
rebellious
receive
receive
reckon
reckon
recline
recline
recognise
recognise
recompense
recompense
rectitude
rectitude
recurring
recurring
red
red
redemption
redemption
reduce
reduce
refer
refer
referred
referred
reflect
reflect
refuge
refuge
regard
regard
regret
regret
regretted
regretted
regretting
regretting
regulate
regulate
reign
reign
reject
reject
rejoice
rejoice
relate
relate
reliant
reliant
relief
relief
religion
religion
relinquish
relinquish
remember
remember
remembrance
remembrance
remiss
remiss
remission
remission
remit
remit
remote
remote
removal
removal
rend
rend
render
render
renounce
renounce
rent
rent
repeat
repeat
repel
repel
repelling
repelling
repent
repent
report
report
reprisal
reprisal
reproach
reproach
require
require
requited
requited
reside
reside
residue
residue
resolve
resolve
resort
resort
respect
respect
respite
respite
respond
respond
response
response
responsible
responsible
rest
rest
restingplace
restingplace
restrain
restrain
result
result
retain
retain
retaliate
retaliate
retribution
retribution
return
return
reveal
reveal
revelation
revelation
revenge
revenge
revere
revere
revile
revile
revolt
revolt
reward
reward
rich
rich
ride
ride
ridicule
ridicule
right
right
righteous
righteous
ripe
ripe
rise
rise
river
river
road
road
robbery
robbery
rock
rock
rod
rod
roll
roll
roof
roof
room
room
root
root
rope
rope
rose
rose
rotten
rotten
rough
rough
round
round
rouse
rouse
row
row
rubbish
rubbish
rue
rue
ruin
ruin
rule
rule
run
run
rush
rush
rust
rust
s
s
saba
saba
sabbath
sabbath
sabeans
sabeans
sabians
sabians
sack
sack
sacred
sacred
sacrifice
sacrifice
sacrificial
sacrificial
safa
safa
safe
safe
safeguard
safeguard
safety
safety
saibah
saibah
said
said
sail
sail
sainai
sainai
sake
sake
salih
salih
salsabil
salsabil
salt
salt
salty
salty
salutation
salutation
salute
salute
salvation
salvation
same
same
samiri
samiri
samood
samood
sanction
sanction
sanctity
sanctity
sanctuary
sanctuary
sand
sand
sandy
sandy
sat
sat
satisfaction
satisfaction
save
save
saw
saw
say
say
scald
scald
scale
scale
scandal
scandal
scanty
scanty
scheme
scheme
scoff
scoff
scorch
scorch
scorn
scorn
scourge
scourge
screen
screen
scribe
scribe
scripture
scripture
scroll
scroll
scum
scum
sea
sea
seal
seal
search
search
season
season
seat
seat
second
second
secret
secret
sect
sect
secure
secure
seduce
seduce
see
see
seed
seed
seeing
seeing
seek
seek
seem
seem
seen
seen
seize
seize
seizure
seizure
self
self
selfsufficient
selfsufficient
sell
sell
selves
selves
semblance
semblance
seminal
seminal
send
send
sense
sense
sensual
sensual
sent
sent
sentence
sentence
separate
separate
sequel
sequel
serious
serious
serpent
serpent
servant
servant
serve
serve
service
service
set
set
settle
settle
seven
seven
seventy
seventy
several
several
severe
severe
shad
shad
shade
shade
shake
shake
shaken
shaken
shall
shall
shame
shame
shape
shape
share
share
sharp
sharp
shave
shave
she
she
sheba
sheba
shed
shed
sheep
sheep
shelter
shelter
shine
shine
ship
ship
shirt
shirt
shook
shook
shore
shore
short
short
shorten
shorten
should
should
show
show
shown
shown
shrink
shrink
shuaib
shuaib
shudder
shudder
shun
shun
sick
sick
side
side
sight
sight
sign
sign
sijjin
sijjin
silent
silent
silk
silk
silver
silver
similar
similar
similitude
similitude
similitudes
similitudes
sin
sin
sinai
sinai
since
since
sincere
sincere
sinful
sinful
sing
sing
single
single
sink
sink
sire
sire
sirius
sirius
sister
sister
sit
sit
six
six
sixth
sixth
sixty
sixty
skill
skill
skillful
skillful
sky
sky
slack
slack
slain
slain
slander
slander
slash
slash
slaughter
slaughter
slave
slave
slay
slay
sleep
sleep
slept
slept
slew
slew
slight
slight
slip
slip
slit
slit
slow
slow
sluggish
sluggish
slumber
slumber
sly
sly
small
small
smitten
smitten
smoke
smoke
smooth
smooth
snatch
snatch
so
so
soft
soft
sold
sold
solicit
solicit
solicitous
solicitous
solid
solid
some
some
someone
someone
something
something
somewhat
somewhat
son
son
soon
soon
soothsayer
soothsayer
sorcery
sorcery
sorrow
sorrow
sorry
sorry
sort
sort
sought
sought
soul
soul
sound
sound
source
source
sow
sow
sown
sown
space
space
spacious
spacious
spare
spare
speak
speak
species
species
speck
speck
speech
speech
spend
spend
spendings
spendings
spent
spent
sphere
sphere
spider
spider
spirit
spirit
spite
spite
split
split
spoke
spoke
spoken
spoken
sport
sport
spot
spot
spouse
spouse
spread
spread
spring
spring
sprout
sprout
sprung
sprung
spun
spun
spy
spy
sq
sq
squander
squander
staff
staff
stage
stage
stand
stand
star
star
state
state
stationary
stationary
stay
stay
stayed
stayed
stead
stead
steadfast
steadfast
steady
steady
steal
steal
stealthy
stealthy
stem
stem
step
step
sterile
sterile
stern
stern
still
still
stock
stock
stone
stone
stonestorm
stonestorm
stood
stood
stoop
stoop
stop
stop
store
store
storm
storm
stormy
stormy
story
story
stout
stout
straight
straight
strain
strain
strait
strait
straitness
straitness
strange
strange
strategy
strategy
straw
straw
stray
stray
stream
stream
strength
strength
strengthen
strengthen
stretch
stretch
strike
strike
strive
strive
strong
strong
strove
strove
struck
struck
struggle
struggle
stubborn
stubborn
stuff
stuff
stupor
stupor
suad
suad
subject
subject
submit
submit
submitted
submitted
submitters
submitters
submitting
submitting
subservient
subservient
subsist
subsist
subsistent
subsistent
substitute
substitute
succeed
succeed
success
success
successful
successful
such
such
suck
suck
suckling
suckling
sudden
sudden
suffer
suffer
suffice
suffice
sufficient
sufficient
suggest
suggest
suggestion
suggestion
sulaiman
sulaiman
summon
summon
sun
sun
sundry
sundry
sunrise
sunrise
sunset
sunset
superior
superior
supply
supply
support
support
suppress
suppress
supreme
supreme
sure
sure
surety
surety
surface
surface
surge
surge
surprise
surprise
suspense
suspense
suspicion
suspicion
sustainers
sustainers
sustenance
sustenance
suwa
suwa
swallow
swallow
swear
swear
sweet
sweet
swerve
swerve
swift
swift
swine
swine
swollen
swollen
sword
sword
swore
swore
t
t
ta
ta
tablet
tablet
tahajjud
tahajjud
take
take
taken
taken
takest
takest
talk
talk
tall
tall
talut
talut
tarry
tarry
task
task
tasnim
tasnim
taste
taste
taught
taught
taunt
taunt
taurat
taurat
tavrat
tavrat
tawny
tawny
tax
tax
tb
tb
teach
teach
tedious
tedious
tell
tell
temporary
temporary
temptation
temptation
ten
ten
tenacious
tenacious
tenth
tenth
term
term
terminate
terminate
terrible
terrible
territory
territory
terror
terror
test
test
testify
testify
testimony
testimony
than
than
thankful
thankful
that
that
thcy
thcy
the
the
thee
thee
theft
theft
their
their
them
them
themselves
themselves
then
then
there
there
thereat
thereat
thereby
thereby
therefore
therefore
therefrom
therefrom
therein
therein
thereof
thereof
thereon
thereon
thereto
thereto
thereupon
thereupon
therewith
therewith
these
these
they
they
thick
thick
thicket
thicket
thieves
thieves
thine
thine
thing
thing
think
think
third
third
thirst
thirst
thirsty
thirsty
thirty
thirty
this
this
thither
thither
thornless
thornless
thorough
thorough
those
those
thou
thou
though
though
thought
thought
thousand
thousand
threat
threat
threaten
threaten
three
three
threw
threw
thrive
thrive
throat
throat
throes
throes
throne
throne
through
through
throw
throw
thrown
thrown
thrust
thrust
thunder
thunder
thunderbolt
thunderbolt
thus
thus
thy
thy
tie
tie
tied
tied
till
till
tilth
tilth
time
time
title
title
to
to
today
today
together
together
toil
toil
told
told
tomorrow
tomorrow
tongue
tongue
too
too
took
took
tooth
tooth
torch
torch
torn
torn
tornado
tornado
torrent
torrent
total
total
touch
touch
tower
tower
town
town
track
track
tract
tract
trade
trade
train
train
trample
trample
tranquillity
tranquillity
transcribe
transcribe
transference
transference
transform
transform
transgress
transgress
transgression
transgression
transgressor
transgressor
transient
transient
transitory
transitory
transparent
transparent
travel
travel
traverse
traverse
treacherous
treacherous
treachery
treachery
tread
tread
treasure
treasure
treat
treat
treaty
treaty
tree
tree
tremble
tremble
trial
trial
tribe
tribe
tribute
tribute
tried
tried
triple
triple
triumphant
triumphant
trodden
trodden
trouble
trouble
true
true
truly
truly
trumpet
trumpet
trunk
trunk
trust
trust
truth
truth
truthful
truthful
try
try
tuba
tuba
tubba
tubba
turn
turn
tuwa
tuwa
twelve
twelve
twenty
twenty
twice
twice
two
two
twofold
twofold
tyranny
tyranny
tyrant
tyrant
ugh
ugh
ultimate
ultimate
ummi
ummi
under
under
unison
unison
unite
unite
universe
universe
unregarded
unregarded
until
until
untrellised
untrellised
unvigilance
unvigilance
unzurna
unzurna
up
up
uphill
uphill
uphold
uphold
upon
upon
upper
upper
uppermost
uppermost
upright
upright
upside
upside
urge
urge
us
us
usage
usage
use
use
useful
useful
usury
usury
utmost
utmost
utter
utter
utterance
utterance
uzair
uzair
uzza
uzza
vacant
vacant
vain
vain
vali
vali
valley
valley
vanish
vanish
various
various
vast
vast
vehement
vehement
veil
veil
vein
vein
vengeance
vengeance
verge
verge
very
very
vicious
vicious
victorious
victorious
victory
victory
view
view
vigilant
vigilant
vine
vine
violate
violate
violent
violent
virtuous
virtuous
visible
visible
vision
vision
visit
visit
visitation
visitation
visitor
visitor
voice
voice
vou
vou
vouch
vouch
vow
vow
vying
vying
wadd
wadd
wage
wage
wait
wait
wakeful
wakeful
walk
walk
wall
wall
walls
walls
wander
wander
want
want
war
war
ward
ward
warm
warm
warn
warn
was
was
wash
wash
wasilah
wasilah
waste
waste
watch
watch
watchful
watchful
water
water
waters
waters
wave
wave
way
way
we
we
weak
weak
weaken
weaken
wealth
wealth
wealthy
wealthy
wear
wear
weary
weary
wed
wed
weep
weep
weigh
weigh
weight
weight
weighty
weighty
welcome
welcome
well
well
wellnigh
wellnigh
went
went
were
were
wert
wert
west
west
western
western
wet
wet
what
what
whatever
whatever
whatsoever
whatsoever
when
when
whence
whence
whenever
whenever
where
where
wherefore
wherefore
wherein
wherein
whereof
whereof
wheresoever
wheresoever
wherever
wherever
wherewith
wherewith
whether
whether
which
which
whichever
whichever
while
while
whirlwind
whirlwind
whit
whit
white
white
whither
whither
who
who
whoever
whoever
whole
whole
wholesome
wholesome
wholly
wholly
whom
whom
whomever
whomever
whomsoever
whomsoever
whose
whose
whosoever
whosoever
why
why
wi
wi
wide
wide
widespread
widespread
wife
wife
wild
wild
will
will
wilt
wilt
win
win
wind
wind
wine
wine
winter
winter
wipe
wipe
wisdom
wisdom
wise
wise
wish
wish
with
with
withdraw
withdraw
withdrew
withdrew
withheld
withheld
withhold
withhold
within
within
without
without
withstood
withstood
witness
witness
woe
woe
wolf
wolf
woman
woman
womb
womb
women
women
wonder
wonder
wonderful
wonderful
wondrous
wondrous
wont
wont
wood
wood
wool
wool
word
word
work
work
world
world
worse
worse
worship
worship
worst
worst
worth
worth
worthy
worthy
would
would
wound
wound
wrath
wrath
wrathful
wrathful
wring
wring
write
write
written
written
wrong
wrong
wrongdoing
wrongdoing
wrote
wrote
wrought
wrought
y
y
ya
ya
yaghus
yaghus
yahya
yahya
yaqoub
yaqoub
yarn
yarn
yasha
yasha
yasrib
yasrib
yauq
yauq
yea
yea
yeal
yeal
year
year
yearn
yearn
yellow
yellow
yesterday
yesterday
yet
yet
yield
yield
yore
yore
you
you
young
young
your
your
yourself
yourself
yourselves
yourselves
youth
youth
yunus
yunus
yusuf
yusuf
yusufs
yusufs
zaid
zaid
zakariya
zakariya
zaqqoom
zaqqoom
zaqqum
zaqqum
zulkifl
zulkifl
zulqarnain
zulqarnain