The piers have been planted


Ken and his invaluable experience are back, we took a bad start but eventually reached a good cruising speed which allowed us to plant 14 piers in a single day.

IMG_9564IMG_5658Never an easy feeling to have these things fly above your head

2017-05-21 22_07_44

When all is done, I was beyond tired.


We made a big hole in the house


Fitting went like a charm thanks to advanced planning from 2 years ago.IMG_5098Our house is finally starting to look like a real house. One of my favorite time when building a house is discovering a view. This one is not only the biggest, is also the one turned towards our land. It was something to discover it. We now get to admire nature, the result of our hard work, and our kid playing, all in one view.IMG_5102
