On the distance between languages

Here are the results of a small study to calculate the distance between words in english and other languages. The way the computation is done is by going through a list of basic english words, using the Google Translate API to get translations into other languages and finally computing a levenshtein between each English/translated pair of words. The final distance is an average.

This only looks at the spelling words, the next step is to look at their phonemes.

Feel free to use the datasets bellow and please let me know what you’re working on 🙂

language      distance from english
Swedish 63.88%
Danish 66.69%
Dutch 66.78%
French 69.31%
German 72.27%
Italian 76.89%
Spanish 82.14%
Albanian 88.61%
Croatian 90.74%
Estonian 91.45%
Polish 92.48%
Hungarian 102.2%

les francais sont des branleurs professionels

Les francais ne font pas greve pour revandiquer quoique ce soit, ils font greve car cela fait partit du folklore national. Pour donner plus d’impact a leur greve etouffee par toutes les autres greves, c’est a qui foutra le plus la merde: operations escargot, blocages, penuries, detournements, mouvement coincidants avec les grands departs, et cetera. Et les lyceens sont de la partie, non qu’ils aient quoi que ce soit d’interessant a ajouter, mais organiser une greve lyceenne fait partie d’un des rites de passages a la vie de branleur professionel assiste par l’etat.

Illustre ci dessous: une brochette de braillards sans cerveau flambent des caisses a cote d’une raffinerie


The last harvest

With sub-zero temperatures just around the corner, it’s time to remove all the unripened fruits of our plants. Preserve will be made out of the green tomatoes.

 img_0003 img_0012

and all that is left of the garden is a decrepit mass of dying plants img_0015