Here’s a cool little script that will recursively chmod, giving a permission based on whether it’s dealing with a file or a directory. This is very convenient when you want to add that +x to directories but not files.
1 2 | find $1 - type f - exec chmod $2 {} ; find $1 - type d - exec chmod $3 {} ; |
Go ahead and edit /usr/bin/chmod_script, copy paste these 2 lines in there, then issue a chmod 755 /usr/bin/chmod_script as root, that’s it!
Usage syntax is as follows:
1 | chmod_script <directory_to_start_the_recursion_in> <permissions_for_files> <permissions_for+directories> |
so if I want to use it on /var/www do:
1 | chmod_script /var/www 644 755 |