Posted on January 9, 2017March 19, 2018Porcupines are creatures of habit it seems I found where the porcupine lives, it uses the same path every day and eats from the same pine tree as last Winter. Straight into the collapsed barn I should check the rubble for pirate treasures
Posted on August 22, 2016March 19, 2018Turkey flock They go around our house every day around the same time. We get to observe them closely unbeknownst to them. It’s very cool to see the adults coral the little ones as they go about their daily routine.
Posted on July 26, 2016March 19, 2018Very cool bird Stealing fiber from my camo netting and letting me get quite close. I don’t have a name yet, I’ll be looking. => Cedar Waxwing (thank you Rich)