Year 4 of the blueberry orchard, the plants finally look like more than a twig in the ground. The first year going from 1 branch to 2 isn’t particularly exiting even though the plant doubles in mass, this year on the other hand was remarkable in the growth they took. We pick up a large bowl every day, we eat berries copiously and have some left. Next year we’ll have enough for this and canning.
Feeling Wealthy in Uncertain Times
We just received a massive pile of compost, behind this is a massive pile of wood chips. Both of which are gold for growers, and so we get to be generous with our plants.
We ordered 18 yards of compost, I learned another completely insane measure: the yard. The amount of hand waving I see when talking about yards is peculiar. Trying to make sense of it online yields the same written hand waving. A cubic yard is a cubic yard, let’s consider ourselves lucky it’s cubic and not using the 11th dimension.
Here’s one thing I love about the U.S. system of measures, it encourages generosity. Because no one has but a vague idea what a cord, a bushel, or a yard is, we over-give to make sure we gave enough.
We received the plants we ordered this year. As always we’ll grow our operation a little. They’ll go in the ground as soon as tomorrow. 7 more fruit trees and a bunch more berries.
I built more proper shelves in the green house, Nicole is growing the garden significantly. Everything is about to explode in growth.