Made it to the Other Side, again

A couple of years ago we built a small bridge that let me take the ATV to the other side of the land. I was just able to take the tractor over it, after 7 years of pushing for it.

I’ve been working on trails back there, and the tractor will be a huge help. Not only that, but I’ve also been able to take the ATV with the big trailer up the hills, loaded with lumber. This means we can start considering building there. I wish I had more time for this, trail building is just fun. Alas, it competes with more important projects.

Aerial Acrobatics

I started sheathing the roof of the addition to get it weatherproof before the next rain. The weather reports have been extremely volatile and it’s been hard to plan properly. A freak soak sent me scurrying throwing tools where I could so they wouldn’t get wet. I was worried things would be too wet to get back into it but enough sun came back and dried things enough that I wasn’t worried about slippery surfaces.

It’s just me on the roof this time, I had to find a better (not completely insane) way to move bulky 4’x8′ heavy panels up a ladder on the roof.

Double Pulley (AKA block & tackle) to the rescue

I’ve added to my arsenal of climbing equipment. These things give you a 4:1 mechanical advantage, I kind of knew they existed but as with many things it’s only when I’m confronted to them that I truly understand how incredibly enabling they are.

With 2 double pulleys and the trusty Grigri, I can hoist myself up anywhere with little effort

And while the hoisting wasn’t actually meant for me, this fun session helped establish what new capabilities I had gained and how to tie it all together. Of course I let the kids play with it at low altitude, they both float in the harness waaaaaaaaay to much to go any higher.

The main difficulty here is to find a system that is reasonable in terms of effort and safety. Once the system is figured out, the panels go quickly. And so it was time for the rubber to meet the road.

And it worked wonderfully. With the freak soak behind me and the system figured out, a load was taken off my shoulders and I was able to enter the quieter mental routine of construction.

This still makes for an intense day on effort and focus. One more like it and we should be fairly weatherproof.