Thermosiphons Everywhere

The initial thermosiphon I designed the house with has been such a success that I made sure to include such airflow in every new addition. I went through great annoying lengths to include one in the new tree house room but it’s well worth it. Placed on the edge of the house as it is, it would quickly become too cold in the Winter and too hot in the Summer if it weren’t for passive air circulation.

Another Room Done

Tucked in a weird corner of a stair case.

It’s tiny with a tree house feel to it, we can barely stand in it.

We haven’t had an upstairs window facing this direction since the original tiny house we moved into, and now there is a an orchard to be admired.

It’s quirky as heck and we love it.

Quaint Booth

We finally have the quaintest place to eat and hang out in the kitchen. It has the intimacy of a restaurant booth, and we’re surrounded by windows showing nature.

It’s not completely finished, but it’s usable. We still need to come up with a table which embraces the peculiar shapes of this space.