Finished laying decking

The last board is ripped to size, then I try to mimic its factory round bevel with the sander. Worked pretty well.


The ends having been cut need to all be resealed.



228 square feet, half of the house we moved into.



The trees are perfectly placed for some late afternoon shade. These nice trees are the few sticks which survived our reclaiming the land from brush years ago.

Cedar Decking Install

But first: stair stringers to join the 2 decks.

I modeled them in Sketchup first to save myself the trouble of figuring out angles. I messed it up a good 4 times virtually before I got it exactly right. That’s why it’s worth doing it on the computer first.

Extra care is needed where the deck joins into the house to make sure the water flows away from the house.

I have nowhere to stand on at first so I’m playing acrobatics on joists trying not to eat one.

I left it finished enough that we could use it, but I still have a couple of boards to rip for the edges, and of course, we need banisters.