Framed bigger because it’s easy to shrink but not to grow
In preparation for a fiber drop, I buried conduit from the pole to the solar shed. I had never done anything like this before, adding to the long list of skills I’m happy to have.
The part in the woods was super hard, I tried to do it by hand but there was no going through the roots. I ended up chainsawing a path for the tractor. With this and some crazy maneuvering, the trench was dug.
The tractor was invaluable to the operation. It always blows my mind how hard it is to move dirt by hand.
I’ve kept working on the SugarHouse through this mild Winter. The weather has really been cooperating so I’ve taken my time getting it ready. We only have a month and a half before sugaring season is upon us so I don’t want to get too complacent either :).
Putting babies to work, she’s got to earn her keep
The best thing in the universe: a proper spot for lumber. Lumber has been our roommate for years.
I’ll do a better tour of the building when everything is ready come sugaring time. There’s a few cool things to it, not the least of which is the cupola.