Leaf Cycle

It’s that time of the year, trees are showering us with nutrients they pumped from deep bellow ground. We find paths which are slopped down, and walk huge piles of leaves downward where we can fill trailers full for the garden.


Enjoying a ride

Catching leaves as they fall down is a family favorite

Well really that time was a few week ago before we all got Covid. Oh well :).

Whole New World

I’ve been using our newly earned trail access to get some fire wood. There’s just a ton of really good downed trees, ready to be picked. The few times we hiked up there I’d see them all and be bummed I couldn’t get to them. I feel like I’m logging in a whole new place, everything is different. the trees, the topology, being more remote, the feeling of the forest. I just walk around and start sawing where the heart tells me, it’s awesome. No real decision to be made.

How about a nice pre-felled maple?

This one was actually a bit far from the trail, but thanks to the magic of gravity, I didn’t have to carry logs the whole way.

All this awesome potential, now within reach, I can’t wait to go back.