ZFS send/receive accross different transport mechanisms

Sending ZFS snapshots across the wires can be done via multiple mechanisms. Here are examples of how you can go about it and what the strengths and weaknesses are for each approach.


strengths: encryption / 1 command on the sender

weaknesses: slowest


zfs send tank/volume@snapshot | ssh user@receiver.domain.com zfs receive tank/new_volume


strengths: pretty fast

weaknesses: no encryption / 2 commands on each side that need to happen in sync


on the receiver

netcat -w 30 -l -p 1337 | zfs receive tank/new_volume

on the sender

zfs send tank/volume@snapshot | nc receiver.domain.com 1337

(make sure that port 1337 is open)


strengths: fastest

weaknesses: no encryption / 2 commands on each side that need to happen in sync


on the receiver

mbuffer -s 128k -m 1G-I 1337 | zfs receive tank/new_volume

on the sender

zfs send tank/volume@snapshot | mbuffer -s 128k -m 1G -O receiver.domain.com:1337

(make sure that port 1337 is open)

SSH + Mbuffer

strengths: 1 command / encryption

weaknesses: seems CPU bound by SSH encryption, may be a viable option in the future?


zfs send tank/volume@snapshot | mbuffer -q -v 0 -s 128k -m 1G | ssh root@receiver.domain.com 'mbuffer -s 128k -m 1G | zfs receive tank/new_volume'

Finally, here is a pretty graph of the relative time each approach takes:

SSH + MBuffer would seem like the best of both worlds (speed & encryption), unfortunately it seems as though CPU becomes a bottleneck when doing SSH encryption.

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