Is how long it took before he discovered the arcade is actually more than a piece of furniture. He is still figuring out the controls as he is used to the iPad where there is little to no indirection between the controls and the output.
Is how long it took before he discovered the arcade is actually more than a piece of furniture. He is still figuring out the controls as he is used to the iPad where there is little to no indirection between the controls and the output.
With video games becoming ever more realistic, one game stands out and defies the pursuit of polygons: Minecraft. With the charm of old video games, big fat pixels and a very square geometry. It stands to remind us of a time when video games left room for imagination.
It has the charm of an old Ultima and sandbox spirit of Legos. Indeed, there is no purpose in the game other than just build random stuff. And to get the material needed to create, it will take some serious world exploration. The world generator is very well tuned and will leave you in awe of the majestic landscapes & mystical caves it comes up with.
Can you feel the wind on your cheeks?
As with Legos, the possibilities are endless ranging from basic fort construction to advanced engineering.
A slight downside is in the choice of technology: Java. Which as always sucks the everliving crap out of all the resources your machine has, both on the client and the server. Which is ironic given the simplistic nature of the game, it should have a very low footprint on the system.
I’m running a server on Akrin, feel free to ask for a whitelist if you feel like building cool things with cool people.
Left4Dead is far from obsolete but lately I grew a little sick of playing the same maps over and over. The special zombies too are getting kinda old. This is when I came accross Killing Floor. Very little information is currently available about it on the web, a couple of videos on youtube and the official game site.
It’s currently one of the most sold game on Steam showing the strong liking that people are taking with coop massacring of zombies.
Let’s go straight to the point: the games needs to be polished the fuck out. It’s very bulky, buggy & glitchy but it is built right. The game obviously got released too early and while it seems like the people in charge are proactive about fixing all of that, one can only hope that they’ll keep doing so until they have an acceptable product.
The gameplay is just weird, moving around doesn’t feel right.
The maps aren’t the best but they’re good enough.
The monsters you get to kill are pretty cool.
Graphics aren’t bad at all.
The AI’s not the best too and so repetitiveness becomes an issue early.
The music is really good.
Sound effects on the other hand are awkward.
but really this all needs to be patched like there’s no tomorrow.
I threw a quick video together since as I said earlier, only very little info can currently be found about this game:
It’s for sale for $20 on Steam, I’ve played for about 2 hours and don’t have much more in me. Not really worth it unless you don’t mind throwing money out the window. There used to be a time where games were released as finished products…