
Sad balloons are sad


Proud balloon reporting for duty!


A month after being saved from the corporate world, this is what’s left of the welcome balloons that were kindly positioned at my new desk.

This little guy’s been floating for 38 days. When it finally gives in I’m giving it a Viking funeral.

When you see it, you probably won't shit bricks

It’s not rare to see a deer wandering around in Salt Lake City. The other day, I rode through a vast cemetary that’s tightly surrounded by a fence (I know how tight it is cause I was trying to find a shortcut through the cemetery and pretty much had to exit where I came in). In 2 minutes I saw 9 deers hanging around.

I’m not sure how they got there and if they’ll ever leave,

here’s 5 of them enjoying a quiet afternoon:


And 4 more:


Shit I get in the mail #2

Il n’est pas rare qu’au milieu du courrier, parmis les offres de cartes de credit, se cache une relance pour acheter des bibelots. Jusqu’ici pas de quoi en faire un plat. Seulement les objects en question sont d’un mauvais gout a en faire palir le cul d’un Anglais. Nicole et moi les avons garde religieusement au cours de ces derniers annees. Ont les regarde un peu comme un album photo de temps a autres pour se marrer un coup.

Sans plus tarder voici la collection: