
It’s hard to tell what happened last night, let’s just say we felt like the roof was going to be ripped from the house. We felt every gust of wind move the house, I have never experienced anything like it. We slept downstairs with the windows covered that’s how bad it was. Everything was a mess outside the following morning including things I never thought could be brought down by the wind.

No bees in it yet thankfully.


Fuck you wind! Not the outside shower!IMG_3519

I ended up outside in the middle of it to weight down a couple of things, it was surreal. Today at town meeting, I’ve talked with other people from our hill who experienced the same crazy night.

2 Replies to “Swoosh”

  1. wow. putain vous avez du flippé pour la maison non ?

    Genre “is it strong enough” non ?
    Cetait une premiere mise a lépreuve niveau physique pour elle?

    1. Ouais on a bien flipé. On a deja eu des bonnes tempête avec pas mal de vent donc j’avais eu l’occasion de me rassurer un peu quand a la solidité de mon travail. Mais là c’était autre chose et j’ai douté une fois de plus. J’ai absolument jamais rien vécu de tel, si la maison a tenu à ça je pense qu’on aura aucun problème dans le futur.

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