Pi Zero W to Pi Pico W

We’re finally able to get our hands on some sweet Pis after a long shortage. I got a Pi Pico W because it’s just that cheap, why not? It’s the W that really makes the difference; years ago I went from full Pis to Pi Zeros because the Wifi capabilities meant I didn’t have to worry about USB dongles. Everything I do tends to be Wifi connected so not having it makes a board irrelevant. And so with a W next to the Pico’s name, I’m definitely interested. It’s pretty smart of the Raspberry Pi foundation to put in this functionality into a microcontroller, it’s just enough to get me curious in what I could actually do with it.

Now I have to get over the barrier of not having a fully fledged OS (and the sweet package managers with all the Debian packages that comes with it), but with Wifi I can definitely do some tasks with a Pico I’m usually doing with a Zero. So I figured I’d try replacing the house temperature sensor and see how that goes. I initially tried to use the Pico’s built in temperature sensor, but it’s terribly inaccurate so I did rewire the DS18B20 from the Zero to the Pico.

Brain transfer, The size gain is nice but not particularly significant

Coding was a breeze, there is isn’t much to say about that, but if you’re interested, here the code I’m running for a web server I can ask for current temperature. One thing I learned is that you need to make sure you have a “lib” directory with libraries you might need for your code.

import machine
import time
import network
import socket
from machine import ADC
import machine, onewire, ds18x20

html = """{\"house_temperature\":<TEMPERATURE>}"""

led = machine.Pin( "LED", machine.Pin.OUT )

ds_pin = machine.Pin( 17 )
ds_sensor = ds18x20.DS18X20( onewire.OneWire(ds_pin) )
roms = ds_sensor.scan()
print( "Found DS devices: ", roms )

ssid = "<redacted>"
password = "<redacted>"
wlan = network.WLAN( network.STA_IF )
wlan.active( True )
wlan.connect( ssid, password )

# wait for connect or fail
max_wait = 20
while max_wait>0:
    if wlan.status() < 0 or wlan.status() >= 3:
    max_wait -= 1
    print( "waiting for connection..." )
    time.sleep( 1 )

# handle connection error
if wlan.status()!=3:
    raise RuntimeError( "network connection failed" )
    print( "connected" )
    status = wlan.ifconfig()
    print( "ip = " + status[0] )

# open socket
addr = socket.getaddrinfo( "", 80)[0][-1]
s = socket.socket()
s.bind( addr )
s.listen( 1 )
print( "web server listening on", addr )

# listen for connections
while True:
        cl, addr = s.accept()
        print( "client connected from", addr)

        request = cl.recv( 1024 )
        print( request )
        request = str( request )
        response = html.replace( "<TEMPERATURE>", str(ds_sensor.read_temp(roms[0])) ) 
        led.value( 1 )
        cl.send('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: application/json\r\n\r\n')
        led.value( 0 )
    except OSError as e:
        print('connection closed')

I got the libraries online, but here they are in case it’s useful.

# 1-Wire driver for MicroPython
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2016 Damien P. George

import _onewire as _ow

class OneWireError(Exception):

class OneWire:
    SEARCH_ROM = 0xF0
    MATCH_ROM = 0x55
    SKIP_ROM = 0xCC

    def __init__(self, pin):
        self.pin = pin
        self.pin.init(pin.OPEN_DRAIN, pin.PULL_UP)

    def reset(self, required=False):
        reset = _ow.reset(self.pin)
        if required and not reset:
            raise OneWireError
        return reset

    def readbit(self):
        return _ow.readbit(self.pin)

    def readbyte(self):
        return _ow.readbyte(self.pin)

    def readinto(self, buf):
        for i in range(len(buf)):
            buf[i] = _ow.readbyte(self.pin)

    def writebit(self, value):
        return _ow.writebit(self.pin, value)

    def writebyte(self, value):
        return _ow.writebyte(self.pin, value)

    def write(self, buf):
        for b in buf:
            _ow.writebyte(self.pin, b)

    def select_rom(self, rom):

    def scan(self):
        devices = []
        diff = 65
        rom = False
        for i in range(0xFF):
            rom, diff = self._search_rom(rom, diff)
            if rom:
                devices += [rom]
            if diff == 0:
        return devices

    def _search_rom(self, l_rom, diff):
        if not self.reset():
            return None, 0
        if not l_rom:
            l_rom = bytearray(8)
        rom = bytearray(8)
        next_diff = 0
        i = 64
        for byte in range(8):
            r_b = 0
            for bit in range(8):
                b = self.readbit()
                if self.readbit():
                    if b:  # there are no devices or there is an error on the bus
                        return None, 0
                    if not b:  # collision, two devices with different bit meaning
                        if diff > i or ((l_rom[byte] & (1 << bit)) and diff != i):
                            b = 1
                            next_diff = i
                if b:
                    r_b |= 1 << bit
                i -= 1
            rom[byte] = r_b
        return rom, next_diff

    def crc8(self, data):
        return _ow.crc8(data)
# DS18x20 temperature sensor driver for MicroPython.
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2016 Damien P. George

from micropython import const

_CONVERT = const(0x44)
_RD_SCRATCH = const(0xBE)
_WR_SCRATCH = const(0x4E)

class DS18X20:
    def __init__(self, onewire):
        self.ow = onewire
        self.buf = bytearray(9)

    def scan(self):
        return [rom for rom in self.ow.scan() if rom[0] in (0x10, 0x22, 0x28)]

    def convert_temp(self):

    def read_scratch(self, rom):
        if self.ow.crc8(self.buf):
            raise Exception("CRC error")
        return self.buf

    def write_scratch(self, rom, buf):

    def read_temp(self, rom):
        buf = self.read_scratch(rom)
        if rom[0] == 0x10:
            if buf[1]:
                t = buf[0] >> 1 | 0x80
                t = -((~t + 1) & 0xFF)
                t = buf[0] >> 1
            return t - 0.25 + (buf[7] - buf[6]) / buf[7]
            t = buf[1] << 8 | buf[0]
            if t & 0x8000:  # sign bit set
                t = -((t ^ 0xFFFF) + 1)
            return t / 16

Half the amp draw from a Zero

That’s it!

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