Fibonacci Assist

It’s been a while since I pushed a feature to Mandalagaba worthy of a post.

I just pushed a tool I call “Fibonacci Assist”. It’s meant to help you draw Fibonacci spirals by overlaying the proper framing based on the beginning of your penstroke.

I was reminded of the existence of this sequence and its ties to nature reading the most excellent children book: Swirl by Swirl. The book is simply magnificent and so I thought I’d do my part to help bring into the world more Fibonacci spirals.

I have yet to play with it using a stylus.

Insulted & Honored

Someone ripped an early version of Mandalagaba, removed any mention of it, translated it, and is hosting it as their own.

Feels like I somehow made it as a developer to have my work stolen :). And honestly I don’t really give a crap I don’t have too many qualms about using code myself.

Today’s Mandalagaba would be very hard to reverse engineer, it’s way more complex, has more server components, and the client code is more obfuscated. In my opinion that’s how you retain control over your work, at least as a coder.


I just have to post

This Dragon which found its way into the Mandalagaba digest. I haven’t seen anyone really touch recursion yet, and then this shows up.

This is my absolute favorite thing about adding features to Mandalagaba: seeing them used in ways I didn’t even realize were possible. Here recursion is used to create ethereal traits. Of course mirror symmetry is used for the face too but that I had seen before :). The hours spent hammering out recursion are all of a sudden, absolutely worth it.

The artist is here: